DS106: The Big Caption

DS106: The Big Caption

Okay, so as soon as I saw the picture of the 2018 Boston Marathon on the Big Picture, I knew that was going to be the picture for me. It’s so easy to make fun of my fellow Bostonians; we make it really easy, to be honest, especially since we don’t care. We like being called Massholes, we really do. My friends and family like to joke about it ourselves. In the spirit of making fun of ourselves, I decided to play on our love of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee. If anyone outside of Massachusetts knows anything about us, it’s that we love a good, large iced coffee no matter what season it is. I will gladly walk into a Dunkin’ Donuts in the dead of winter after a blizzard and order an iced coffee. Just like Bane from The Dark Knight Rises, “…you merely adopted the cold; I was born in it, molded by it.”

Jokes aside, I find that the culture of Boston relies heavily on knowing how to take a joke and to reassure others that even in the worst of times, it, too, will pass. I find that the people of Boston are versatile, tough, spirited, but more than anything, once you get through their rough exterior, they’re the best people to have on your side.

